Welcome to our extreme watersports page. If you're looking for people who actually know what they're doing, you've come to the wrong place. Our mission is to have lots of fun!

Disclaimer: We are not professionals - Please use some common sense.

Centurion Avalanche

Trick List

Wake Jump
Face Plant
Face Plant & River Gulp
* 6-Pack Release
* 12-Pack Release

Our friend Rodger has a documented "Skiddie" up his back.
We have not yet attempted this!

*Release is a polite way of saying we pee in the river. Sometimes it's difficult to complete the 12 pack release before you're pulled out of the water.


W A N T E Dsum


We need more ballast. Must look good on boat see picture below:

Click Here for Application


Deanna was fussing because there were no pics of her on this site!



Saw this tag on a jacked up truck